Saturday, February 27, 2010

Much Ado About Little....Avatar.

"I can't believe I spent almost $21.00 on that piece of crap." That was: $11.00 for the ticket, after my senior discount of course, and almost $10.00 for a medium Diet Coke and a medium popcorn. The cost of the large sizes was even more exorbitant so I passed on those.

That was my mental state and statement as I walked out of the AMC theater #8 after sitting through one hour and thirty-five minutes of a two-and-a-half hour piece of cinematic garbage referred to as Avatar. I decided to see it after all the hearsay said it was "cool" or "fantastic FX," "Really good" and similar lauditory phrases. Too bad no-one had warned me about the dismal, almost continuous raft of profanity that was freely laced into the dialogue. My personal "profanity meter" wasn't totally off the scale but it was definitely in the zone where my alarm goes off.

The next big disappointment was the heavy-handed "green" sermon: "Big, evil corporation bad, peaceful native people with great earth spirituality good." The message was so blatant that the guy asleep in the 14th row could get it.

Then there was the ubiquitous feminazi message which we have had to endure for more years than anyone can remember, the one that keeps pounding out the message that men are rutting brutes with no capacity for feelings, speech or much of anything else except hyper-active libidos, and women are the superior race, who have to teach men just everything. This is rampant in our culture now and frankly, I'm sick of it and think it's long past time to see a more balanced approach to M-F relations portrayed in movies and television. I can dream, can't I? Men are cut down at every turn, debased, abased, ridiculed (Honey! The Ajax turned blue!)  and treated like the vestigial creatures the feminazi rulers believe we are. In their eyes our only function is as sperm donors, and preferably not doing it in person. Enough already.

The other great draw, the 3D, was very disappointing—only the stuff in the middle of the screen was really sharp with almost everything else being out of focus, especially the things appearing to stick out of the screen. There was also a lot of motion blur...I thought they would have gotten that under control by now. The last 3D I saw was a mighty Mouse animated feature film back in the 50s that had better 3D than this. Remember the cardboard glasses with the red and blue cellophane lenses? The ones that David Tennant's Dr. Who still uses on occasion? They worked better than these "Real 'D' 3D" things.

So right after the big, mean MEN led by Colonel Jarhead (you know, the kind that rolls his own cigars for breakfast) rips up the sacred forest of the indigenous cat-people to the horror of all concerned forest-dwellers, I quit.

This has taught me a lesson—to listen to my inner voice that has kept me out of the movie theaters since that time when my late wife and I saw Monsters, Inc. That had no bad language and not even one character passed wind or made any other potty jokes, if I recall correctly.

It's sad when the only decent fare in the movies is the animated offerings and even then we have the aforementioned potty humor as standard fare. As for 3D? I won't be rushing back anytime soon to try it. Avatar is rated PG-13, so I'll stick to PG or higher from now on if this is a sample of how far the ratings have sunk. It's sad to note that one of the cinematic objections that went into the PG-13 Rating was "smoking". It's not only sad to think that that could be a factor in movie ratings but not the constant stream of profanity and blasphemy against the God of Christians that no-one seems to object to except Christians...and who cares about them or their sensitivities anyway? The filmmakers sure don't care about their God and, oh boy, are they gonna be in for a rude shock real soon!

It'll be a long time before I wander into a movie theater again. Let me have my Blockbuster On Demand suscription so I can pick what I want to watch in the comfort of my own home, for the cost of a bag of microwave popcorn.

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