Monday, December 21, 2009

Another Look

I mentioned this in a previous post but it seems that the abuse of the word in question is so widespread that I feel compelled to repeat and elaborate on my earlier rant.

There is a word which, when properly used, explains itself nicely but when misused is the epitome of poor language and may even leave the listener feeling that the speaker is less than erudite (to put it politely).

This poor member of the language is regardless.

Here's a news flash's fine all by itself.

When one attempts to reinforce the use of this word, to give it more emphasis or color by saying irregardless, one is really using a double negative to mean something that the basic word itself already expresses! The word irregardless tries to mean without regard (for) which the word regardless already means.

Bottom line, strike this monstrosity from your speech and end up sounding like someone of learning.

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