Monday, December 21, 2009

Quo Vadis English? redux

Don't you just hate it when authors try to dazzle us with fancy foreign phrases peppered into their writings that they then proceed to not translate? It's a snob thing,'re supposed to know dahling. Quo Vadis means "Whither Goest Thou" in the classical translation or "Yo, where you gettin' to?" in the street version. Furthermore (one word, by the way) Redux means 'revisited' so I trust you will now be able to figure out the posting title . You can pronounce it American style= ree-DUCKS or correctly as in the French= reh-DOO. Nobody in this country will bat a false eyelash either way. Face it, the vast majority would rather face root-canal than admit they don't know something.

Got a few more goodies for you, some under the category of 'Howcum"?

1. Facilitator-- this is a blatant new-age, politically correct construction that replaces the word 'teach' and all its other forms. Why? Because to have a teacher in the class is to put a person in a position of power over the other members of the class and someone's self-esteem might be crushed (I kid you not). What really bothers me is that Christians have bought into this garbage too.

2. Dump-- as in to get dumped. This is a word most often associated with garbage and in some cases, very crude references to a bodily waste function. So how is it that now no-one 'breaks up' anymore? Someone is always dumping or getting dumped. This ties in well with goodie #3---

3. Slam-- this has replaced the perfectly valid word 'insult'. Why?

4. Hit on-- Whatever happened to "asking someone for a date" or "making a pass at" or "make a play for"? Not quite up to date, eh? Now it sounds like a major act of aggression one degree removed from outright assault.

Here's the secret to these three howcums---- in all cases they're very accurate reflections of the underlying anger secular folks carry for each other in this society. Simple concepts like breaking up and being insulted are replaced by words and terms that are far more brutal than they need to be. Trouble is, the general population just accepts them and moves on. Whatever happened to that 'kinder, gentler' nation we were supposed to be getting?

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