Monday, December 21, 2009

Spam should be cooked, not read.

I have gotten, oh yet another, of those internet chestnuts that refuse to die. This one has very nice pictures to go with it; pictures of Bill Cosby, pictures of Bill Cosby at his amiable best, supposedly posed so as to lend legitimacy to the accompanying article which declares in no uncertain terms that Dr. Cosby, hold on to your hats, is.........running for the U.S. Presidency in 2012! The article also lists a number of very good campaign platform issues worded in such a way that no good American could ever disagree with them. Trouble is, Dr. Cosby never said that stuff.

Whoa....didn't we go through this before? Gee, wasn't it 2008 the last time we had to put up with this bit of wisdom flying through the internet ether? Did anyone bother to check the veracity of this story in 2008?

I think not!

Has anyone bothered to check the veracity of this article presently?

I dare way....Jose.

Heaven forbid that anyone should spend the three or four minutes it would take to go to a hoax-buster sight like and check out whether or not it may be true. Let's face it, there are so many ways to waste time with a computer and reading false e-mails is not one I care to pursue. This kind of stuff almost amounts to a unique kind of spam, and one which is not easily cured by a simple delete. If you're a fact freak like me, you do bother to check out this garbage and end up wasting the 3-4 minutes the original sender should have taken in the first place to verify the truth of the article! Stack up enough of those 3-4 minutes and you start to get a serious waste of time.

Oh, I'll be alright as soon as I calm down. There...I feel much better now...just had to get that off my chest.

Okay, now let's talk about people who forward e-mails with the last seventy-five headers still attached.......

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